Informações sobre estudos, comentários de colegas médicos, novos produtos e prémios atribuídos:

Estudos clínicos e "in-vitro" em curso:

The PST effect on 3-dimensional chondrocyte culture- an in vitro Study - University medical center Charité, Faculty of the Humboldt - University Berlin - Laboratory for Tissue Engineering – Dr. Ina Krüger, engineer of biotechnology; Dr. Jürgen Zimmermann, Prof. Dr. Michael Sittinger in cooperation with Prof. Dr. M. Faensen (Phase 2 of the study). Ver conclusões da fase 1: Poster / Completo


Special laboratory study of synovial fluid; Matrixproteasen (Kollagenasen) MMP-1; MMP-3; MMP-8, and the MMP Inhibitor, TIMP1; associated with the connective tissue proliferation matrix proteins tenaszin and PIIINP; that are associated with synovial inflammation cytokines, TNF alpha, TGF-Beta 1; IL-1 and IL-6 as well as CRP” – Prof. Dr. Schuppan, University of Erlangen, Germany. Ver conclusões da fase 1.

Nova Patente Norte Americana e em todos os Países aderentes à PTO (Patent Treat Organization)

Em 25 de Fevereiro de 2003, foi atribuída uma nova patente de processo (USA nº 6,524,233) que constitui certamente um marco extremamente importante para o futuro desta tecnologia, que combina a utilização de "Fibroblast Growth Factor e PST Ortho.

Título: "Electromagnetic stimulation of cartilage tissue" - Abstract: "The Invention relates to the use of pulsating electromagnetic signals for stimulating chondrogenesis. The invention especially relates to the use of FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor) in combination with pulsating electromagnetic signals for stimulating cartilage and chondrogenesis". Se desejar ler o conteúdo da patente Ver.


Clinical Improvement of Gonarthrosis after Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST), is accompanied by an increase in intrarticular Matrix Metalloproteinases and markers of regeneration.

Prof. Michael Faensen, Dr. med.
Burckhardt Neise, Dr. med. (cand.)
Harald Martin, Dr. med. (cand.)
Prof. Detlef Schuppan, Dr. med. PhD
In press

University of Erlangen, Germany


Long-term, Multicenter Post-Marketing Surveillance Investigations of Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST) for the treatment of Osteoporosis.

Dr J. Semler * Dr. B. Muche*
Dr M. Dornacher + Dr H. Martin**

* Immanuel-Krankenhaus Rheumaklinik    Berlin-Wannsee
+ ProGelenk Zentrum, Berlin-Wilmersdorf
**Infinomed - Institute for Innovative Medicine, München

Estudos em Preparação:


The potential role of PST in reversing liver fibrosis – effects on matrix remodeling.


Prof. Detlef Schuppan, Dr. med. PhD
Richard Markoll, MD PhD
Theresa K. Toohil, PhD

Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts  


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