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Apresentação Congresso
Die Wirkung der PST Pulsierende Signal-Therapie auf eine dreidimensionale Chondrozytenkultur
APLAR Journal of Rheumatology Pulsed Signal Therapy: An overview
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases - BMJ - Biochemical and Morphological Study of Human Articular Chondrocytes Cultivated in the Presence of Pulsed Signal Therapy
Der Allgemeinarzt - Kann Pusierende Signal-Therapie den Knorpel Schützen? 25.Jg. 15/2003 S.1173/1176 Kirchheleim-Verlag Mainz. Mirjam Donacher, MD
Apresentação Congresso
Valutazione Clinico Strumentale ed Istologica Di Lesioni Osteocondrali del Ginocchio Trattate con Pulsed Signal Therapy (P.S.T) - Dr. Onesta M.G., Dr. Di Martino M. - Dipartimento delle Specialità Medico Chirurgiche - Sezione di Ortopedia e Traumatologia - Università degli Studi di Catania
The Journal of Rheumatology - A Double-Blind Trial of the Clinical Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Osteoarthritis - 1993
The Journal of Rheumatology; The effect of PEMF in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Cervical Spine. Rep. of Randomized, D. Blind, Placebo Cont. Trials 1994
Revue du Rhumatisme - XI Congrès Francais de Rhumatologie - 1998 - Efficacité des Champs Électromagnétiques pulsés dans la Gonarthrose Douloureuse
Ostéoarthrose et Cartilage 1996 - Les champs PST influent sur la composition de la matrice extracellulaire du cartilage hyalin s modifier sa structure moléculaire
Grundlagen und Ergebnisse der Pulsierenden-Signal-Therapie in der Knorpeltherapie - Fortbildung Orthopadie - Traumatologie Die ASG-Kurse der DGOOC - Principles and Findings of Pulsed Signal Therapy for Cartilage Treatment.
Deutsche Zeitschhrift fur Sportmedizin - Current Status of Pulsed Signal Therapy in the treatment of arthrosis
The Stimulation of chondrocyte metabolims by pulsed magnetic fields


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